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Non-fungible Art: 5 The Most Famous NFT Paintings


Non-fungible token or Non-fungible Art? We`ve made a selection of the most famous NFTs at the moment and ow we will show you five famous NFT paintings exhibited at world auctions.

Beeple – Everydays: The First 5000 Days


Mike Winkelman (Beeple) has been painting a small painting every day since May 2007. When there were 5,000 of them, he compiled NFT, which eventually made the entire industry mainstream.

Sold for $69,346,250

Platform: Christie's Auction House

Date: March 11, 2021

Beeple – Human One

Generative sculpture combining physical and digital art. It is an astronaut's suit, continuously going forward in different weather conditions. Beeple plans to develop the content of this work until the end of his life.

Sold for $28,985,000

Platform: Christie's Auction House

Date: November 10, 2021

Edward Snowden – Stay Free

NFT, created by the famous whistleblower Edward Snowden. It includes a court ruling against the National Security Agency's surveillance methods that violate existing security laws, as well as a photo of Snowden by the British portrait photographer Plato.

Sold for $6,040,050

Platform: Foundation

Date: April 16, 2021

Pussy Riot Terrestrial Paradise из серии "Panic Attack"

The band recorded a video for their song “Panic Attack” and divided it into four fragments, thereby creating 4 NFT, which together represent a full-fledged clip. The NFT was exhibited on Saturdays at the site. NFT was sold for $3,000 to iranian collector and political activist Amir Soleimani.Their most famous action is “Mother of God, drive Putin away!” - it happened in 2012, when the members of the group were dancing, in the traditional provocative clothes for the collective, in the middle of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Their performance lasted 41 seconds, after which they were taken out of the temple. In August 2012, the members of the group received two years in prison for hooliganism.

Banksy – Morons (White)

Banksy created "Morons" (translated as "Morons") in 2006. The screen printing depicts an auction for the sale of works of art. On one of the canvases it is written: "I can't believe you morons are actually buying this shit." The destruction of the work by fire was committed at an unknown location in Brooklyn and was broadcast on YouTube and Twitter. The work was sold for $406,899.

The Art Hall art gallery has published its NFT collection, you can read more about the first published work here.