
Online art gallery ArtHall

Nikita Brinev (a.k.a. Yow Brin)

Nikita Brinev (a.k.a. Yow Brin)
Was born in 1979 in Omsk.

Currently lives and works in St. Petersburg.

Associate member of the International Academy of Arts Greci-Marino (Italy), nominee UNESCO project "UNESCO - Aschberg Bursaries for Artists", participant of international creative group "", international creative group "011".

Graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Omsk State Pedagogical University, has a Master of Arts degree Columbia University (New York), and also completed postgraduate studies in OmskState Pedagogical University. In the field of art took place training in the art gallery of contemporary art "Kvadrat" (Omsk, head- V.G. Stashevich), as well as at Columbia University in New York.Member of many Russian and foreign exhibitions. Works are in private collections in the Russian Federation and abroad.