
Online art gallery ArtHall

Mirza Cizmic

Mirza Cizmic
Mirza Cizmic, born in 1985 (Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina).

He graduated from High School of Applied Arts in Sarajevo. He holds a master's degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki, Department of Painting.

In addition to contemporary painting he is also involved in sculpture, performance, and film. In recent years he has held several solo exhibitions and has participated actively in group exhibitions both in Finland and abroad.

His work is found in numerous private collections and his work can be found in public collections such as the Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, National gallery of Finland and Hanaholmen, Swedish cultural center, Finland.

Series "Stolen memories".
Is childhood the real parent of a person? My childhood was violated on a massive scale. Many of the damaging events and interactions that happened to me in the past –mostly from my childhood– are invisible. Yet, I can feel them. They are very subtle. I cannot escape from them. I am constantly fighting with my past; it is an infinite fight with no winners. Freedom is my goal, courage is my ally. The questions such as “Who I am?” and “What I have become?”. Next to my internal fear of the unknown makes me wonder where I belong?