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Khaled Alkhani

Khaled Alkhani
Khaled Alkhani (born 17 February 1975 in Hama, Syria) is a Syrian painter, currently living in Paris.

« I draw one or more characters, most often a woman freed from the dimensions of the body. The body has sometimes been reconstructed in the permanent movement of colors in an open dialogue between lines and space. The space and the lines are in a dialectical dialogue where each takes its place naturally without overflowing.I am forever permeated by the light and the dazzling colors of the East, from the first Phoenician drawings to the present moment. This story resurfaces on my canvas and accompanies my feelings, my feelings and my thoughts.The current events apprehended through the prism of my painting also shed light on the human condition haunted by loneliness, as well as the attempts to break it, many times, in vain.The body relaxes and wanders into the blocks and line formations. These are starting to take shape thanks to my perception of prehistoric art.I materialize for a moment what I feel. This moment is for me an eternity, a cerebral meditation resulting in aesthetic formulas sometimes producing a great shock of explosive color on the surface of the canvas.I am looking for the shadow of the body and the figurative features. These parameters are often absent by the abstraction that is created on the canvas. I don't intend to draw the features of a lonely person on the verge of collapse! We are aware of our loneliness, but we do not choose isolation deliberately.I don't want to draw feelings by facial features, as I don't use the face to express pain or the uncertain future. I prefer a primary feeling by the design of the colors.I am aware of the meaning of my painting. It's a work of my mind. But this work is only possible in total agreement with my body and my feelings. I also leave room for chance and coincidence.I always want to restore the body to its splendor and its sumptuous presence. The yellow that I sometimes concentrate in large quantities, framed by the black that suits it, makes the body in a state of ecstasy and softness. The dominant red master of the scene is inevitable, whatever the means used to dodge it. I give him his freedom to the extreme. Is it a headlong rush? I am often overtaken by plastic sentences that reveal in their rhythms what I express of pain, love, suffering and joy.Feelings and colors are universal and can be shared with each individual regardless of their culture. I am working in this direction. Life and death are also universal. These are perimeters of the human condition. To illustrate a new birth I return to the color white with passion and violence. Like a first light that tears the darkness of the night.Maybe today a free space allows me to explore other paths. This means that the colors participate in the development of the goal.Today, I remain attentive to change, to the light of our feelings, to human beings, with the ability to invent colors of unsuspected richness. Our survival is conditioned by our ability to constantly create. »