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Youri Jarkikh Jarki

Youri Jarkikh Jarki
Yuri Aleksandrovich Zharkikh (1938, Tikhoretsk, Krasnodar Territory) - Russian-French artist, representative of Leningrad non-conformism of the 70s of the XX century, artistic platform - EIDOS (EIDOS).

One of the leaders of the Soviet underground.
One of the organizers of the "Bulldozer" exhibition in Moscow (1974).

He entered the cultural history of Leningrad as the organizer of the legendary exhibitions of Leningrad unofficial art in the Palace of Culture named after I. Gaza (1974) and in the recreation center "Nevsky" (1975) and as the organizer of TEV - the Association of Experimental Exhibitions.

1958-1961 - Leningrad Naval School.
1961-1967 - Leningrad Higher School of Industrial Art named after Vera Mukhina (Stieglitz Academy).
1974 - One of the organizers and participants of the exhibition on the Belyaevsky field in Moscow, crushed by bulldozers (Bulldozer exhibition). Exhibition organizers: Oscar Rabin, A. Glezer, Evgeny Rukhin, Yuri Zharkikh, Vladimir Nemukhin.
1974 - Organizer and inspirer of the legendary four-day exhibition of Leningrad nonconformist artists in Leningrad, in the Palace of Culture named after GAZA (December 22-25 - "4 throats of freedom"). Initiative group: Y. Zharkikh, V. Ovchinnikov, E. Rukhin, V. Leonov, N. Lyubushkin.
1974 - Founds TEV - the Association of Experimental Exhibitions (writes the charter of this art organization), later - TEII, now - an art center on Pushkinskaya Street in St. Petersburg.
1974 - Writes the artistic platform of post-socialism - Eidos
1975 - Organizer of the second exhibition of unofficial Leningrad artists in Leningrad, at the Nevsky Palace of Culture (September 10-20). Initiative group: Y. Zharkikh, V. Ovchinnikov, E. Rukhin, V. Leonov, N. Lyubushkin.
1977 - Emigrates from the USSR. Entry to the Federal Republic of Germany.
1978 - Receives political asylum in France.
1984 - Organizes the Eidos group
1985 - Awarded the gold medal of the Belgian Academy of Humanities.
1987 - Participant of an exhibition in Paris at the Palais de Congrès (15 artists - the avant-garde of French painting).
1990 - Awarded the honorary title "First Artist of Paris"
2004 - Return of Russian citizenship.

Currently lives and works in France.

Exhibitions: (more than 150 personal and group exhibitions): France, Germany, England, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, USA, Italy, Japan, Monaco, Russia, Switzerland.