
Online art gallery ArtHall

Alexander Grekov

Alexander Grekov
Alexander Grekov was born in Moldova in 1982. Graduated from the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Participant of more than 20 exhibitions, his works are included in the collection of the Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art. Lives in Perm, Russia.In the painting of Alexander Grekov, tradition and a fresh look are combined. Themes of creativity are the city, childhood, the connection of times. Without gloss and sentimentality, without play and aesthetics, only a harsh, mysterious, bewitching painting. The reality in Grekov's paintings is similar to a dream, but the thoughts and feelings of the audience awaken in it.“I am a supporter of the development and continuation of the tradition of Russian realistic painting. In my works I try to show the world as I see it and my attitude towards it. It is important for me that the meaning is understood not from my explanations, but from the composition, from the technical means that I use in my works,” Grekov says.